Thursday, November 22, 2012

Land of Make Believe, Moody Blues

This is a track from the Seventh Sojourn album. Again, I have to thank one of the record clubs I subscribed to at the time. This was an album of the month, I failed to reply I didn't want it and ended up keeping it. A decision  I would not regret.

There are more famous tracks in this album, but this is the one I really love. The arrangement, vocals, melody and lyrics are all wonderful. Michael Pinder's work on keyboards is monumental. Pinder was mostly known for his work with the Mellotron, a device created in the sixties, even before synthesizers, which actually replayed tracks for various instruments. It was basically used for strings, but also for choir and orchestra, with great effect. It was a hard instrument to play, especially live, for at times it would get stuck, or even fall apart. Rick Wakeman is said to have burned the three mellotrons he had, in frustration.

At any rate, for the longest time I thought Pinder was playing only Mellotrons in this record, but in this song it was most probably a Chamberlin, which emulated orchestral sounds better than the Mellotron. Very similar, yet, not the same.

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